Day 18: The Start of Spring Cleaning and Organzing

Organzing and throwing crap out is one of my favorite things to do… but it stresses my husband out. This morning when I decided I wanted to start this process I broached the topic very carefully with Don so that he wouldn’t get overwhelmed.

Just to be clear, I DO NOT want his help or input. I just want him to not be stressed while I bop around the condo doing my thing. After I let him know my plans for the day, he took a deep breath and asked, “Do I have to do anything?”

“No, not at all- I would actually prefer you didn’t.” I quickly replied. The level of relief he expressed was hilarious to me and off I went to start.

Today I tackled clothes. There are always 3 piles; store, donate, throw out. I am proud to say that I did get rid of anyting I haven’t worn in quite a while and that didn’t fit right. I’m proud of myself for tackling just one area in my organizing journey and that I’m not exhausted from it all.

I typically will take on ALL on of the cleaning and organizing and then I’m so tired (and sore), which really ruins the fun of it. I created a cute little list of what I want to clean/organize and when I’ll be tackling it all. I’m such a dork, it gets me so excited- I love nothing more than a clean and organize home!


4 thoughts on “Day 18: The Start of Spring Cleaning and Organzing

  1. This is what my spring break plans are . . . but my list is definitely not a “cute little list”! It will be long and boring, but a clean organized home will be amazing! Fingers crossed!


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